A Vampire's Promise

A Vampire's Promise

By: NovelRead
Updated up to Chapter 76
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Being born half-human and half-vampire, Mia Rivera didn't understand how extraordinary her life was until she met Sol Montgomery, a pure-blood vampire seen as a prince among the vampire aristocracy. He awakened another side of her and dragged her into a world she once tried to escape. Now, she lived in his house as his personal assistant. She had two choices: fight against her inherent nature as a vampire… or give into it.I held his hand as I opened my legs and straddled his lap. A gasp left him when I ran my nose along where his pulse point would have been."Yes, Dad… yes, I am listening." Ha. Now you know what it feels like.A light squeak left me when he pinched my side, but that only proved detrimental to him. I jostled in his lap, and he let out a puff of air at the sudden movement. Sol's large hand was placed over my hip to still me, and he gave me a dangerous look.A Vampire's Promise is created by Bella Gold, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author.

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