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Reborn After a Five-Year Marriage Alliance

Reborn After a Five-Year Marriage Alliance

By: NovelRead
Updated up to Chapter 100
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In my previous life, I found myself as the unwanted presence in my marriage to Henry Pelham. He was deeply in love with another woman, which eventually led to our broken marriage and my tragic death. After my rebirth, I realized that the best course of action was to give up and stop caring about our marriage. So, I patiently waited for Henry to bring up the subject of our impending divorce. But things took a strange turn. Suddenly, that very man, who had been gone for months, began returning home frequently. "Will you believe me when I say that you will soon long for my complete disappearance from your life?" I asked. "Stop daydreaming," he replied. "We are destined to torment each other until we die." I sighed. I was convinced that Henry would soon meet his true soulmate, as had happened in my previous life. The time had finally come for Henry to cross paths with her, and I thought that I was just one step away from freedom. Yet, to my astonishment, he retorted, "Who ever said I wanted a divorce?" He not only opposed the idea of our divorce, but he also became increasingly obsessed with me, to the extent that he abandoned his soulmate!

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