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Part-Time Love

Part-Time Love

By: NovelRead
Updated up to Chapter 38
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Winter Candace is an awkward introverted girl who recently moved from Bangladesh to California after her mother passed away. She had to start living with her father, unwillingly. When her father refuses to pay her any pocket money, she decides to get herself a part-time job in a café. While struggling with the unfamiliar environment, she comes across Zane, who offers his help to her which she isn't willing to take that easily. Zane Astor is an unambiguous, candid senior at his high school, who works hard to support his family. When he meets Winter at the place he works part-time, he feels the need to beware the klutzy girl from the unacquainted troubles. So now what happens when they start working part-time at the same place? Will Winter be able to adjust to her new surroundings and overcome the nightmares that haunt her? Will true love bloom between them or their careers will be their priority?

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