Till Time Tears us Apart

Till Time Tears us Apart

By: NovelRead
Updated up to Chapter 35
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The party had come to an end and the tables were in disarray. The middle aisle had been decorated and now only trampled flower petals remained.              Alice timidly walked over to Tony and watched him drink the glass of wine, said heartily, "You've already drunk quite a lot, don't drink anymore." He turned his head to look at her with a hint of anger, growling at her with some slurred words, "None of your business, get out!" Alice froze, but still stubbornly tried to grab the refilled glass, only to have him fling it away. Wearing high heels, she lost her weight for a moment and stumbled a few steps before stopping. Her ankle was broken and she drew in a breath of cold air, holding it back. The people around her couldn't bear, advising her in a peaceful manner, "Tony has drunk, so don't be angry, sister-in-law. Teach him a good lesson when he is sober."

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