Wolf Love

Wolf Love

By: NovelRead
Updated up to Chapter 108
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Dave sat at the café with a cup of cappuccino on his table, doing some last touches on his architectural design on his Mac book before he sees his client. He has been working on this design for weeks. His new client seems to be detail oriented and also very busy so he can’t afford to have any short coming. A caramel-skinned looking lady of approaches him, “Mr. Fisher?’’ she inquired as she stretches her hand forward for a shake. Dave raised a brow in confusion and stands up in courtesy to shake her hand. “Hello, ma.’’ He responded. She proceeds to sit at the opposite end of his chair then he sat too and asked ‘’You’re…’’ “Mrs. Hassan, my husband is too busy to follow up so I’ll be taking over from here.’’ She interrupted. “Oh okay, welcome ma’am, how is your family?’’ Dave asked. “Good Thank you” she replied

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