My beloved

My beloved

By: NovelRead
Updated up to Chapter 43
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"what do you mean??" She shouted on top of her lungs and I just say her excitement was even high than the Everest"Yes I mean what you heard" I spoke to her while catching her shoulders. She is so much happy that she hugged me immediately.I was shocked to see her reaction and if I knew that she will react like this before only then I would have died me this many days before only.But feeling her arms over mine is making me feel like a completed man."Manik, see I am going to marry the person whom I love so much as a singer and now even I do as a person" she spoke in her flow and she didn't even realise what she spoke but I heard it very clear making me smile at my place.I decided to tease her but I kept those thoughts away because I don't want to spoil my moments with her now."Yes nandini even I will marrying the girl who is very special to me" I spoke while hugging her even more tight.

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