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Just Need A Kiss

Just Need A Kiss

By: NovelRead
Updated up to Chapter 52
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ran down the stairs, as soon as I heard a car horn outside. As I got outside, I saw my boyfriend in his car waiting on me. I went up to the car and got in."Hi babe." Logan Cummings leaned over to the passenger side and kisses me on my cheek."Hi." I greeted as he started the engine and drove to school. We were at school in ten minutes and we both got out."I have to see my science teacher about an assignment, so I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Logan said to me."Okay." I said. He was always meeting teachers a lot lately. I also notice that he was avoiding me most of the times and cancelling our dates.Logan and I have been dating for a year now, but recently, I've realized that he had become distant. Shaking my head of Logan's weird behaviour, I went into the school's building.

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